Prakash Raj dates of list

Here is a sample list of dates of Prakash Raj. Please note that the below is just a sample list and is not the final and complete one.

You can consider the following females as husband stealers in Kollywood.

No: 1 goes for Swarnamalya: She is North Indian. This female started her career with Sun TV. Then she was found in few Tamil movies as friend of the main actress. She then married a software engineer. Then she took divorce. Then her news came out relating to her close relationship with priests of Kanchipuram. Now she is again in news for stealing Lalitha Kumari's husband Prakash Raj. It is told that Swarnamalya used the vulnarability of Prakash Raj's book reading habits and she started her relationship by exchanging books and speaking to him something related to books.

No: 2 goes for Lakshmi Rai. Lakshmi Rai was famous when her photo was found in the album of a famous escort service which operated through out India. To be noted here is that she belonged to the same community of Prakash. She is also a Kannadiga. She was found traveling with Prakash to abroad and the reason is just to give company to Prakash!

No: 3 goes to Prakash's personal secretary, dance master Boney Verma. As the position that she holds clearly says she is personal secretary, she was found so personal with Prakash. Prakash too on many occasions hinted out openly his relationship with this female.

What about Lalitha Kumari. Innocent Lalitha says she believes that her husband Prakash will leave away all these females and will come back to live with her.


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